A dry and itchy scalp refers to a condition characterised by dryness, flakiness, and persistent itching of the scalp.
Common scalp issues
- The scalp may become dry due to a lack of moisture, which can be caused by environmental factors, such as cold weather, low humidity, or excessive heat styling
- Seborrheic dermatitis
- Scalp psoriasis
- Dandruff
- Some individuals may develop allergic reactions to certain hair care products, such as shampoos, conditioners, or hair dyes, leading to scalp dryness, itching, redness, and irritation
- Seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) often causes a dry itchy scaly scalp with areas of redness.
The symptoms of a dry and itchy scalp
- Persistent itching or tingling sensation on the scalp
- Dryness and tightness of the scalp
- Flaking or scaling of the scalp, often resembling white or yellowish flakes
- Redness or inflammation of the scalp
- Soreness or tenderness of the scalp
- Occasional hair loss due to scratching or irritation
Treatment tips that may help with a compromised scalp
- Frequent washing of hair with a targeted treatment shampoo
- For extremely dry scalp you may want to use a targeted serum to help soothe and hydrate
- This condition is more controllable than curable and requires ongoing care
- Opt for gentle, moisturising shampoos specifically formulated for dry or sensitive scalps
- Wash your hair with lukewarm water instead of hot water, as hot water can further strip the scalp of its natural oils and contribute to dryness and itching
- Opt for gentle, sulphate-free, and fragrance-free products
- Try to resist the urge to scratch, and if needed, gently massage the scalp with clean fingertips instead
- Opt for looser hairstyles that allow for airflow and minimise friction on the scalp
- If your dry and itchy scalp persists or worsens despite home care measures, it is advisable to consult with a dermatologist
Skincare ingredients that can help with a compromised scalp
- Panthenol
- Arginine
- Biotin
- Salicylic Acid
- Zinc Pyrithione (ZPT)
- Sodium Shale Oil Sulfonate
- Urea
- Purslane
Skincare products that can help with a dry and itchy scalp
Hair products designed for dry and itchy scalp often contain ingredients that help soothe and moisturise the scalp. These products can provide relief from itchiness, reduce inflammation, and nourish the scalp, helping to alleviate discomfort. Dr Webster recommends: