There are three main conditions that typically cause a dry & itchy scalp ranging from mild symptoms to severe.
A common, chronic relapsing form of eczema/dermatitis that affects sebaceous gland-rich regions. Dandruff is the lay persons’ term, which is often not so inflamed and itchy. It can affect both men and women and tends to occur in the scalp, nasolabial folds, glabella, eyebrows, beard, ears, and other skin folds.
Typical characteristics:
Features yellowish, greasy scale
May be asymptomatic or mildly pruritic
Tends to flare with stress
Dermatologists sometimes see a combination of seborrhoeic dermatitis and psoriasis in the scalp and this is called sebopsoriasis.
Typical characteristics:
Deeper red, more defined margins and thicker scale than seborrhoeic dermatitis
Less silvery scale than classic psoriasis
Can affect skin folds
Often is itchy
Characterised by thickened, well-demarcated patches or plaques (raised) with silvery-white scales. It is a chronic, relapsing condition with a genetic background with various trigger factors which would include Streptococcal infections, medications and stress.
Typical characteristics:
Affects part or all of the scalp
Can extend to forehead, ears, or neck
Classic psoriasis is generally not itchy
Severe cases may involve temporary localised hair loss (alopecia)
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