PCA Skin® is one of the fastest-growing aesthetic skincare brands in the USA. It is an evidence-based company who clinically researches and scientifically formulates skincare products have been designed to treat skin conditions such as acne, ageing skin, sensitive skin and hyperpigmentation.
A true industry pioneer acknowledged in prominent medical textbooks as the originator of modified and enhanced Jessner’s chemical peel formulations, PCA Skin® is now a global organisation serving over 5,000 medical practices in the United States and in 70 countries around the globe.
Throughout their history, PCA Skin® has consistently been dedicated to the science of healthy skin and their philosophy is to formulate products with ingredients found naturally in the skin and body for maximum compatibility. This ensures optimal results without unnecessary side effects. They know that formulating new products takes years to perfect and before a new formulation is released, PCA SKIN® performs extensive product testing for efficacy, focusing on optimal outcomes and all finished products are tested with patients in medical practices.
When it comes to animal testing they have a zero tolerance philosophy. They do not perform or condone animal testing at any point during the formulary process and use ingredients with decades of research proving their safety on human skin. Dermastore® is an exclusive, authorised PCA Skin retailer in South Africa.